Diagnostics – What are interference zones?
Teeth are organs with their own blood and nerve supply, and, to be more accurate, are actually cranial nerves with a separate autonomous nerve system. They are the organs that are anatomically closest to the brain. As a matter of routine, dentists insert the most various, partly highly toxic materials in this sensitive field under the cloak of durability in terms of craftsmanship – frequently with severe consequences for the entire organism. Most interference zones in the body are situated in the oral cavity and jaw!
The concept of the interference zone (neuromodulative trigger) in the human being as a system assumes that an inflammation process in a place in the body can induce a reaction at another place or lead to therapy resistance (chronification). The classical interference zone identification is performed by dentists by means of evaluating the X-ray images/clinical findings and their allocation to medical findings of the respective medical discipline. The most important rule for healing illnesses is therefore: Do not treat the symptom, eliminate the cause!
Interference zone diagnostics
The teeth belong to the most significant sub-systems within a network of self-regulative working partial areas of the organism. Teeth and their associated periodontium have a relationship to other bodily structures and organs. Reinhold Voll has coined the term odonton (surroundings of the teeth) and identified the direct and close interrelationships between individual odontons and the various areas of the body. Interactions and both positive and negative influences in the sense of a fine effect in both directions are possible here: A disturbed organ can have a pathological effect on the associated odonton, and conversely, a diseased tooth or its periodontium can disrupt the correlated organ (see meridian system).
Zahn – Meridiansystem :
Tooth correspondences taking into consideration the connections according to Bahr-Schmid, Voll-Kramer and the findings of TCM.
Extraction therapy
Many endodontically treated teeth show some kind of inflammation of the surrounding tissue. This is particularly well recognisable by means of DVT (digital volume tomography). The cyst at the tip of the root is nothing but a type of capsule formed by the immune system itself around the infested area to screen it off from the remaining organism. Particularly toxic teeth frequently ossify with the surrounding bone. Local metabolism is demobilised – the body ‘locks up’ the tooth, similar to a type of prison. The only possibility of escaping this chronic intoxication is the surgical extraction of the dead teeth. The surrounding inflamed or cystic tissue must be completely removed. A full curettage of the soft bone should be performed, leaving no residues. The tissue is subsequently disinfected with ozone. According to the opinion of the authors Brisman et. al., the implantation next to still existing endodontically treated teeth should be exactly assessed, in order to avoid potential failure caused by focal infection.
Perfect aesthetic and immunological solution at smileperfect – ceramic implants made of zirconium oxide
Zirconium oxide is an electrically neutral, bio-compatible ceramic without any interference zone properties whatsoever. As opposed to grey titanium it is free of metal and highly-aesthetic due to its white colour. Zirconium oxide implants combine the best bio-compatibility with perfect aesthetics. Zirconium oxide implants are recently also available as two-piece screwed implants for all indications. For single-rooted teeth, immediate implantation with one-piece zirconium oxide implants has proved to be the optimal solution in practice. Your dentist in Hamm.